Whether it is getting student work on the walls, showcasing a class project, or hosting a whole-school exhibition with community members and experts, celebrate students’ work and learning by making it visible.
“When students know their project is going to be exhibited, there seems to be a change in the quality of the project.”
“At my old school, we just turned our work into the teacher, got a grade and were done. Here we get to show our work to other people and feel proud.”
“At times I wondered whether it would all be worth it, but after last night there is no doubt in my mind! The red carpet event was one of the highlights of my career. It was amazing to be able to watch [my students’] excitement throughout the evening.”
Why do it?
Student exhibitions promote……
High Quality Work for Authentic Audiences
When students know they will share their work with an audience beyond the classroom, they are motivated to make it high quality. The best exhibitions showcase work that has required students to think critically, problem solve, and revise through multiple drafts. Exhibitions are a great way to share student writing, art work, performances, debates, experiments, engineering projects, mock trials, podcasts, or videos.
Community Pride & Transparency
Exhibitions put students center stage as they describe the process and products of their learning. Like a sports event or performance, they bring families and community members together to celebrate the collective work of a class, a team, a school. But with exhibitions, the community is taking pride in students’ academic learning.
Exhibitions set the expectation that all students, not just a select group, are capable of producing high-quality work and will share that work with people beyond their classroom. They motivate all students to do their best, so they can stand proudly beside their work.