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Kindergarten Celebration of Learning
In this video, Kindergarteners at Anser Charter School in Boise, Idaho demonstrate their learning about birds and engage with their families and professional experts.
K-2 Presentation Rubric
This rubric helps with guiding and assessing K-2 students, and is based on BIE's Presentation Rubric for older students. This rubric is aligned with CCSS, but also can be used in non-CCSS settings.
HTH Project Design
Explore how the K-12 community at High Tech High learns deeply through projects. Learn more about project elements such as reflection and exhibition, and see examples of how these and other elements make up a project.
High School SLC
Rafael, a tenth-grade student at Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School (WHEELS) in New York City discusses his progress with one of his teachers and his mother during his student-led conference. Rafael and his mother discuss the merits of student-led conferences.
Group Work Rubric
Students working in groups can lead to essential learning. HTH Graduate School of Education has a tool for helping students reflect on their group work.

Exhibition Timeline
This sample timeline shows how you can plan ahead for a student-centered exhibition.

Curation Inspiration
In this presentation, a HTH middle school teacher provides some useful tips and tricks for curating an exhibition.
Critique Lesson
Ron Berger from EL Education demonstrates the transformational power of models, critique, and descriptive feedback to improve student work.
BIE Annotated Project Models
BIE dissects project elements to see what makes high quality project-based learning in this helpful resource.
Back to School Night
Transform Back to School Night by putting students at the center and giving them an opportunity to share the work they are engaged in! 3 easy ways to make it an exhibition of learning!
A Guide to Implementing SLCs in Your School
This presentation, by Patti Kinney of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, is chock-full of information for school leaders, including SLC benefits, sample letters, scripts, evaluation forms, FAQs, and other tips.
9-12 Presentation Rubric
This rubric helps teachers guide students in grades 9-12 in making effective presentations, and it can be used to assess their performance. Alignment with CC ELA standards for Speaking and Listening is noted.
6-8 Presentation Rubric
This rubric helps teachers guide students in grades 6-8 in making effective presentations in a project, and it can be used to assess their performance. Alignment with CC ELA standards for Speaking and Listening is noted.
3-5 Presentation Rubric
This rubric helps teachers guide students in grades 3-5 in making effective presentations in a project, and it can be used to assess their performance. Alignment with CC ELA standards for Speaking and Listening is noted.