
National Writing Project has a new youth publishing opportunity connected to the PBS documentary American Creed.  The film, which is co-produced by Citizen Film and WTTW, encourages youth to explore questions like “What should America’s national ideals be?” and “How do we close the gap between ideals and reality?”  You and the youth you work with are invited to add your voice to the conversation about American Creed by participating in the “Writing Our Future” project.  Share Your Learning is partnering with NWP to encourage teachers to have their students write and share their work with an audience beyond the classroom.  We hope this opportunity ignites a fire of civic discourse in your community!

3 Ways to Participate in the “Writing Our Future” Project:

  • Publish Online: Youth 13+ are invited by the NWP to share their responses to the film online through the American Creed Youth Publishing Site. Writing Project teachers have created five prompts for youth to respond to in an online publishing platform. For each prompt there are extended texts, examples of student work, and related resources.  For more details, visit the NWP Writing Our Future website.

  • Exhibit Your Students’ Work at School:  Powerful writing is not meant for just one person to read, but is designed to reach a wider audience. As teachers we can elevate student writing by giving students the opportunity to share with a broader audience.  Use this toolkit for ideas for school exhibitions, where your students can engage other students, parents, and community members in civic discourse.

  • Exhibit Your Students’ Work in Community Venues:  Take it one step further, and empower your students by taking their work out into the world.  This toolkit has ideas for local venues that can host your students and the local community, as they share their work and engage in dialogue about the American Creed.