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Student Support Toolkit
Want to know how to support your English Learners? How about students who weren’t able to create a product? SYL provides some ideas for supporting students through exhibition.
SLC Resources for Educators
This comprehensive compilation of Student-Led Conference resources from Edutopia provides examples, guides, tips and forms to transition to SLCs.

SLC Prep in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese
This SLC prep sheet provides students with support for their SLCs in Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese. It also has a form for parents to give feedback on the presentation.
SLC in Spanish
Misael, a 6th grader in the Newcomer cohort at Visitacion Valley Middle School in San Francisco, presents his SLC. This cohort piloted SLCs for their school, and this is the first time the students created digital portfolios and engaged in student-led conferences in their home language.

Schoolwide Structures for SLCs
Principal Brett Kimmel of Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School (WHEELS) in New York City describes the integrated approach used at his school to ensure that all students and families participate in meaningful student-led conferences.
Project Example: 8th Grade City Flag
In this video, 8th grade students create a project to change their city flag. Good for thoughtful step-by-step PBL practices.
Project Essentials Checklist
The Essential Project Design Elements Checklist can be used for a quick evaluation of a project’s design, to see if it includes all the essential elements of rigorous, effective PBL.
Project Cards from UnBoxed
Find inspiration in these project cards from UnBoxed, a journal of adult learning in schools. These are great examples of K-12 projects.

Post-Exhibition Exit Card
Want to know if SYL works? Ask your students to fill out this post-exhibition reflection and gather your own data about their growth as communicators, collaborators, and contributors. Simply make a copy and use for yourself!
Portfolio Defense Resources
Envision Learning Partners provides resources to support portfolio defenses, including videos, handbooks, logistics, and tools.
PBL Design Kit: Assessment
High Tech High's PBL Design Kit includes resources for ongoing and dialogical assessment, such as Presentations of Learning.

Passage Presentations in Secondary Schools
Passage presentations are an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning and their readiness to move on to the next phase of their education. This video highlights passage presentations at a number of EL Education schools around the country.

Oakland Unified’s Graduate Capstone Project
LPI created a set of videos that shows what a year-long capstone project might look like. Scroll down to see how OUSD created a capstone project as a districtwide performance assessment.
NWP American Creed Toolkit
Share Your Learning partnered with NWP to encourage teachers to have students write and share responses to the film American Creed with an audience beyond the classroom. Ignite a fire of civic discourse in your community!
Models of Excellence
Looking for inspiration for what students can make for exhibition? EL has the largest collection of models of excellent student work.
Middle School SLC
Gabriella, a seventh-grade student at the Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School (WHEELS) in New York City discusses her academic progress with her father at her student-led family conference.

Middle School Celebration of Learning
EL Education shares a culminating event for the seventh-grade "Small Acts of Courage" learning expedition at King Middle School in Portland, ME.
Learn Next SYL Course
Dive deep into exhibitions, student led conferences, and presentations of learning in this free and open online course. SYL co-designed the course with our partner 2Revolutions, and it is jam packed with activities and resources to support your practice.
Kindergarten SLC
Kindergartener, Trinity, shares her academic progress, supported by evidence from her portfolio, with her parents and teacher, Jennifer Rocker, at Delaware Ridge Elementary School in Kansas City, KS.

Kindergarten Exhibition Video
In this video, kindergarten students at Katherine Smith Elementary School – mostly English learners – present their project on stray animals.